Earn 1000 $ from home by affiliate marketing
Earn 1000 $ from home by affiliate marketing. By ClickBank and amazon affiliate program make money online easily. Just follow the unique tricks that we use.
As affiliate marketing a passive income source. If you won’t want to work under anyone so then this is the best option. As everyone can earn from here, just need to have some knowledge.
Affiliate marketing is a part of the digital marketing program. If you have heard about this or you to know, then read this article thoroughly.
As we are going to see the best two affiliate program toady in this article. So from this, you can make money online. This two affiliate program is very famous, and they pay commission to there users.
The most popular and trendy affiliate program worldwide is the amazon affiliate program. Amazon has a huge no of products that you sell according to your niche.
Here you have to promote amazon products. On your website and earn a small commission from them. If anyone clicks on your amazon affiliate link and buys the products. Here there is one more fantastic option that you will get paid if the customers buy any other products in the next 24 hours.
As amazon pays a very high commission as per any other network, and it’s effortless.
So, How to sell products on amazon.
1) Signup with the amazon affiliate marketing program.
2) Fill all the questions asked correctly.
3) Then search for your products on the amazon affiliate website.
4) Copy that amazon affiliate link and promote it on your website.
Online marketing via amazon is this simple. But you should also now some of these terms and conditions.
Like you can not use the pictures from the amazon website. You will need to find those images on google and use it.
You can not add the price of that product on your website. Because the rates keep on changing sometimes.
Amazon Affiliate links should not be short by any other toll. You can use an Amazon link shortener if you want.
Make three sells in the next six months, or your account can get banned.
So this is some term and condition you need to follow when your working with an amazon affiliate program.
Like other affiliate programs, ClickBank also is the best affiliate program worldwide. You can find many international products over here. Which you can promote on your website to make money online.
As here, many big brand products are listed to promote online through affiliates links. You will get all types of products and services in one place.
Click bank is banned in many countries. As there are many scammers online. But if you want to work, you can apply for that too. As many want to earn money online genuinely.
Just follow these steps.
How to create an account in a banned country?
1) Open click bank website.
2) Click on support option
3) Then click on affiliate support.
4) Click on (Submit a request) on the top.
5) Then fill the form. Add that email on which you want to create an account.
6) In the type of Question, Select the General account question and unable to create an account.
7) Add your identity image in the attachment option.
8) Fill the complete form correctly. Don’t leave any question. Just don’t feel anything in (Account Nickname) As you are not having an account of Clickbank.
Follow this and get approved in a banned country. Then you can also promote links on your affiliate sites.
How to create an account on ClickBank?
Now I am going to tell you how to create a Clickbank account usually.
1) Open the Clickbank website.
2) Click on the Signup option.
3) Then fill your information.
4) Bank information to get paid.
5) Account information correctly.
Then start generating affiliates link and make money online. By using those on your website.
These two are the best affiliate programs worldwide and easy to use. By creating an account over here, you can generate your online income. They also have some terms and conditions which you need to follow. So you do not get banned over here.
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Originally published at https://techwibi.blogspot.com.